Welcome to Newcomers Keep Coming (NKC) Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) website, the place where newcomers, beginners, medium timers and long timers can find the support they need to overcome alcohol addiction and join our transformative meetings. If you or someone you know is seeking help, you've come to the right place.
AA is a global community dedicated to assisting individuals in their journey to recovery from alcoholism. Our website serves as an essential resource for newcomers and beginners, providing valuable information about AA meetings and the support available to you. We understand that taking the first step can be challenging, but we assure you that you are not alone – we are here to guide and empower you on your path to sobriety.
NKC’s meetings offer a safe, welcoming and loving environment where you can connect with others who have faced similar struggles. At NKC, we emphasize anonymity, fellowship, and mutual aid. Our diverse membership is united by the common goal of achieving freedom from alcohol addiction, regardless of background or circumstance. Whether you are just starting out or have been on the recovery journey for some time, our meetings provide a non-judgmental space for sharing, learning, and growing together.
NKC’s website offers a wealth of resources and comprehensive information, including content on the principles and practices of AA, NKC blogs, AA videos, apps, and AA literature. These valuable resources are readily accessible to anyone seeking to learn more about alcoholism and to those who wish to stop drinking, providing crucial support for your journey toward recovery. They are designed to educate and empower you as you navigate the Twelve Steps, which serve as a roadmap to recovery, and the Twelve Traditions, which govern the functioning of AA groups.
Confidentiality and privacy are fundamental values within NKC and AA. We understand the sensitivity of addiction and respect the anonymity of our members. Attending a NKC meeting ensures that your identity remains protected, allowing you to openly share your experiences without fear of judgment or disclosure.
By engaging with NKC, you will discover a compassionate and loving community of individuals who have triumphed over alcoholism and are dedicated to helping others do the same. Through sharing personal stories, providing support, and offering guidance, our members create an atmosphere of hope, love and empowerment.
Take the first step towards a brighter future by exploring our website and familiarizing yourself with the resources available. We encourage you to attend a NKC AA meeting and experience the power of connection and support first hand. Remember, recovery is a journey, and together, we can overcome alcohol addiction and embrace a life of lasting sobriety.
Join us at Newcomers Keep Coming Alcoholics Anonymous Group and discover the strength and spirituality within you to conquer alcoholism. Your path to a healthier and happier life starts here at Newcomers Keep Coming.
And do also have a read of our Blog with some fantastic AA content!
We provide attendance verifications / proof of attendance if you attend. Please follow the verification request instructions in the meeting that will be mentioned by the Chair/Secretary. More information can be found here Verification (newcomerskeepcoming.org)
As group of Alcoholics Anonymous, NKC also collects contributions for AA's 7th Tradition to help other alcoholics around the world. You can contribute here to help others.
With lots of love💖,
The NKC Family